Runtime Monitoring Language

A system agnostic domain specific language for runtime monitoring and verification

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Verification of interaction protocols

Alternating bit protocol

The specifications are based on the following event types:

  • msg(ty): message of type ty has been received
  • ack(ty): acknowledge of type ty has been received

Specification for two message types

// alt-bit: alternating bit protocol with two message types

msg matches msg(_);
ack matches ack(_);
type(ty) matches msg(ty)|ack(ty);

Main = (msg>>MM) /\ MA;
MM = msg(1)msg(2)MM;
MA = {let ty; msg(ty) ((type(ty) >> ack(ty) all) /\ (ack(ty) | MA))};

Specification for arbitrary message types

// alt-bit-gen: alternating bit protocol with arbitrary message types

msg matches msg(_);
ack matches ack(_);
type(ty) matches msg(ty)|ack(ty);

Main = (msg>>msg(1) BS<1>) /\ MA;
BS<ty> = {let ty2; msg(ty2) if(ty2==ty+1) BS<ty2> else MM<2,ty>};
MM<ty,max> = msg(ty) if(ty>=max) MM<1,max> else MM<ty+1,max>; 
MA = {let ty; msg(ty) ((type(ty) >> ack(ty) all) /\ (ack(ty) | MA))};