Runtime Monitoring Language

A system agnostic domain specific language for runtime monitoring and verification

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Verification of priority queues

The specifications are based on the following basic event types:

  • enq(val): value val has been inserted in the queue;
  • deq(val): value val has been removed from the queue;
  • peek(val): value val is retrieved but not removed from the head of the queue.

Priority queues with no repetitions, enqueue and dequeue

// priority-queue1: single priority queue with no repetitions, enqueue and dequeue 

deq_geq(val) matches deq(val2) with val2 >= val;
deq matches deq(_);

Main = (Queue/\Sorted)!;
Queue = {let val; enq(val) (enq(val)* deq(val) | Queue)}; 
Sorted = {let val; enq(val) ((deq_geq(val) >> deq(val) all) /\ Sorted)} \/ (deq Sorted);

Priority queues with repetitions, enqueue and dequeue

// priority-queue2: single priority queue with repetitions, enqueue and dequeue 

deq_geq(val) matches deq(val2) with val2 >= val;
enq_deq_geq(val) matches enq(val) | deq_geq(val); 
deq matches deq(_);

Main = (Queue/\Sorted)!;
Queue = {let val; enq(val) (deq(val) | Queue)}; 
Sorted = {let val; enq(val) ((enq_deq_geq(val) >> Cons<val> all) /\ Sorted)} \/ (deq Sorted);
Cons<val> = deq(val) \/ (enq(val) (deq(val) | Cons<val>));