Verification of lists
The specifications are based on the following basic event types:
has been inserted in the list at indexindex
has been removed from the list at indexindex
has been retrieved (but not removed) from the list at indexindex
has been returned as the size of the list.
Indexes are assumed to start from 0.
A simple specification which only checks correct use of indexes
// Additional events for CheckIndex
insert_in_bounds(size) matches insert(index,_) with index >= 0 && index <= size;
remove_in_bounds(size) matches remove(index,_) with index >= 0 && index < size;
get_in_bounds(size) matches get(index,_) with index >= 0 && index < size;
get_size(size) matches size(size)|get_in_bounds(size);
CheckIndex<size> =
get_size(size)* (insert_in_bounds(size) CheckIndex<size+1> \/ remove_in_bounds(size) CheckIndex<size-1>);
Full specification
// Additional events for Main
add_rm_get matches insert(_,_)|remove(_,_)|get(_,_);
// Additional events for CheckIndex
insert_in_bounds(size) matches insert(index,_) with index >= 0 && index <= size;
remove_in_bounds(size) matches remove(index,_) with index >= 0 && index < size;
get_in_bounds(size) matches get(index,_) with index >= 0 && index < size;
get_size(size) matches size(size)|get_in_bounds(size);
// Additional events for CheckElem
not_insert not matches insert(_,_);
// Additional events for GetElem
increased(i) matches insert(index,_) with index <= i;
decreased(i) matches remove(index,_) with index < i;
irrelevant_modification(i) matches insert(index,_) | remove(index,_) with index > i;
irrelevant_get(i) matches get(index,_) with index != i;
irrelevant(i) matches irrelevant_modification(i) | irrelevant_get(i);
Main = (CheckIndex<0> /\ add_rm_get >> CheckElem)!;
CheckIndex<size> =
get_size(size)* (insert_in_bounds(size) CheckIndex<size+1> \/ remove_in_bounds(size) CheckIndex<size-1>);
CheckElem =
not_insert* {let index,elem; insert(index,elem) (GetElem<index,elem> /\ CheckElem)};
GetElem<index,elem> =
(irrelevant(index) \/ get(index,elem)) GetElem<index,elem> \/
increased(index) GetElem<index+1,elem> \/
decreased(index) GetElem<index-1,elem> \/
remove(index,elem) all;
Luca Ciccone collaborated to the development of these examples