Runtime Monitoring Language

A system agnostic domain specific language for runtime monitoring and verification

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Verification of lists

The specifications are based on the following basic event types:

  • insert(index,elem) element elem has been inserted in the list at index index;
  • remove(index,elem) element elem has been removed from the list at index index;
  • get(index,elem) element elem has been retrieved (but not removed) from the list at index index;
  • size(size) size has been returned as the size of the list.

Indexes are assumed to start from 0.

A simple specification which only checks correct use of indexes

// Additional events for CheckIndex
insert_in_bounds(size) matches insert(index,_) with index >= 0 && index <= size;
remove_in_bounds(size) matches remove(index,_) with index >= 0 && index < size;
get_in_bounds(size) matches get(index,_) with index >= 0 && index < size;
get_size(size) matches size(size)|get_in_bounds(size);

CheckIndex<size> =
    get_size(size)* (insert_in_bounds(size) CheckIndex<size+1> \/ remove_in_bounds(size) CheckIndex<size-1>);

Full specification

// Additional events for Main
add_rm_get matches insert(_,_)|remove(_,_)|get(_,_);

// Additional events for CheckIndex
insert_in_bounds(size) matches insert(index,_) with index >= 0 && index <= size;
remove_in_bounds(size) matches remove(index,_) with index >= 0 && index < size;
get_in_bounds(size) matches get(index,_) with index >= 0 && index < size;
get_size(size) matches size(size)|get_in_bounds(size);

// Additional events for CheckElem
not_insert not matches  insert(_,_);

// Additional events for GetElem
increased(i) matches insert(index,_) with index <= i;
decreased(i) matches remove(index,_) with index < i;
irrelevant_modification(i) matches insert(index,_) | remove(index,_) with index > i;
irrelevant_get(i) matches get(index,_)  with index != i;
irrelevant(i) matches irrelevant_modification(i) | irrelevant_get(i);
Main = (CheckIndex<0> /\ add_rm_get >> CheckElem)!;
CheckIndex<size> =
    get_size(size)* (insert_in_bounds(size) CheckIndex<size+1> \/ remove_in_bounds(size) CheckIndex<size-1>);
CheckElem =
    not_insert* {let index,elem; insert(index,elem) (GetElem<index,elem> /\ CheckElem)};
GetElem<index,elem> =
    (irrelevant(index) \/ get(index,elem)) GetElem<index,elem> \/ 
    increased(index) GetElem<index+1,elem> \/
    decreased(index) GetElem<index-1,elem> \/
    remove(index,elem) all;


Luca Ciccone collaborated to the development of these examples